Surf: A Playful Dive into the World of Perpetual Contract Pools

ABCDE集团投资Surf Protocol,该去中心化交易所有什么独特之处?

ABCDE 领投 Surf Protocol,该 DEX 特点如何?

There’s a new player making waves in the decentralized exchange (DEX) world, and it goes by the name of Surf. Picture it as a GMX-inspired point-to-pool trading model, but with a refreshing twist – it’s like swimming with dolphins while trading digital assets! Let’s dive right in and explore what makes Surf so intriguing to digital asset investors.

Surf’s main attraction lies in its unique approach to pool creation. It offers a permissionless and perpetual contract-based pool for a wide array of assets. In other words, anyone can jump on board and create a perpetual contract trading pool for their favorite assets. And here’s the cherry on top: the creators of these pools receive a 5% cut of the pool’s trading fees. It’s like finding a hidden treasure chest full of gold coins at the bottom of the ocean!

Now, before you grab your goggles and flip-flops, let’s talk about the requirements to make a splash in the pool. To ensure that the Surf ecosystem remains buoyant, there is a minimum liquidity provision requirement, tailored to different categories of assets. Don’t worry, it’s just like having a pool party with a minimum dress code – everyone needs to wear swimwear but in different styles!

But why stop at just the mainstream assets? Surf takes a daring stance by embracing a wide range of assets, including the beloved MEME coins. It’s like an amusement park where you can ride the rollercoaster of MEME’s perpetual contract trading pair. Who knows, maybe we’ll even see dog-themed perpetual contract Player vs. Player games in the future – talk about a doggy paddle to the moon!

MEME’s launch on Surf has been fueled by a thrilling FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) narrative. But with the added leverage and short-selling features, it’s like strapping a rocket engine to your surfboard! And let’s not forget, the top liquidity providers in each pool also receive a 5% share of the trading fees. This means that market makers and big fish have the chance to catch an extra wave of LP (Liquidity Provider) benefits. It’s like getting double the fun at an amusement park, just by riding the biggest rollercoaster!

Still not convinced? Well, Surf has even more tricks up its sleeve. It allows for multiple LP pools for a single trading pair, each with different trading fees. It’s like having different ticket options for different rollercoaster rides; you can choose between the front seat and the back seat, depending on your budget. And to ensure the safety of the ticket prices, Surf employs a time-weighted median price mechanism, making sure everyone gets a fair ride. It’s like having a built-in GPS system on your surfboard that keeps you on course no matter how big the waves get!

Imagine this scenario: you want to play around with MEME perpetual contracts on Surf, but you only have $2,000 to spare. No worries, my adventurous friend! With just $2,000, you can create a whopping 50x leverage perpetual contract trading pair for MEME. It’s like buying a ticket to the biggest, loopiest rollercoaster in town for the price of a sandwich!

However, it’s important to remember that low liquidity tokens can sometimes be like a jellyfish sting – they can leave you feeling confused and hurt. The rollercoaster-like price fluctuations can turn both the longs and the shorts, even the LPs, into silly fools. That’s why major exchanges approach such pairs with caution, just like a lifeguard keeps a watchful eye on the beach.

But don’t fret! Surf isn’t just for the fringe tokens; it also beckons the seasoned market makers and big fish swimming in the sea of altcoins. Compared to other platforms where you only earn from trading, Surf gives you an additional 5% bonus from trading fees. It’s like getting a golden parachute to accompany your adventurous dives into altcoin trading. So, grab your gear, summon your wit, and take a leap into the world of Surf!

Now, my dear readers, I leave you with a question: are you ready to ride the Surf and explore its marvelous depths, or will you prefer to stay on the safe shores of traditional exchanges? The choice, as always, is yours to make. Just remember to do your due diligence, keep an eye out for those crypto sharks, and above all, enjoy the ride!

Reference: Boreas Wu’s Tweet

We will continue to update 算娘; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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