『云生:革命性的Web3 PC角色扮演游戏让游戏开创新高度』

链线鹿角互动将在2024年3月14日于瑞典斯德哥尔摩GDC发布最新力作《云起 - 一款Web3电脑RPG游戏,融合了MMO元素》这款回合制幻想游戏设定在天空岛屿领域,承诺用先进科技改变沉浸式游戏体验


Antler Interactive to present their new game, Cloudborn, at GDC – Blocking.net.

Stockholm, Sweden, March 14th, 2024, Chainwire

Antler Interactive is about to unleash Cloudborn, a groundbreaking Web3 PC RPG with a twist of MMO, at GDC 2024. Prepare to embark on a mesmerizing journey through a fantasy sky island realm, where cutting-edge technology and enchanting gameplay merge to deliver an immersive gaming experience like no other.

Imagine a game that combines the strategic gameplay of Raid Shadow Legends with the accessibility of the Zelda franchise. Now, add a touch of magic. Cloudborn is not just another turn-based RPG; it’s a dynamic adventure that utilizes web3 technology and AI to create a truly responsive world, giving players full ownership of their experience.

Cloudborn’s Key Features: A Glimpse into the Revolutionary Web3 RPG

Dynamic World Building:

In the Cloudborn universe, every action has consequences. As players, your choices shape and transform the game’s environment through advanced AI integrations. It’s like having a magical wand, altering the world around you with a flick of your finger.

Evolving Characters:

Say goodbye to static, cookie-cutter characters. In Cloudborn, both playable and non-playable characters evolve based on your interactions. These changes stay with the characters, even when traded with other players via NFT metadata. Bonds or rivalries formed within the game are carried forward, adding depth and realism to your adventures.

True Ownership:

With the power of web3 technology, Cloudborn grants players complete ownership and autonomy over their experiences. Your digital assets in the game are yours to buy, lease, and control, harnessing the full potential of blockchain technology.

Strategic Turn-Based Battles:

Get ready for epic battles! Plan your strategies, assemble your army of character cards, and unleash your skills on the battlefield. Remember, your character lineup and positioning matter. Victory or defeat hangs in the balance.

Free Travel & Airship Base Management:

Explore the vast world of Miyunu at your own pace. Take command of a customizable airship and venture into the floating islands, unlocking new upgrades for your base along the way. The sky’s the limit!


To access Cloudborn and fully dive into this immersive gaming experience, players will need to own in-game digital assets. These assets can be bought or leased and are supported by the Chromia blockchain, ensuring security and transparency every step of the way.

Unveiling the Mysteries of Cloudborn

Cloudborn transports players to a mythical world of sky islands, shrouded in ancient legends. Legend has it that a cataclysmic war between two godlike powers shattered the universe, leaving behind a fragmented realm. As a player, your mission is to unravel the mysteries of this conflict and explore the uncharted territories beyond what is known.

The heart and soul of Cloudborn lie in the fusion of AI and web3 technology, designed to elevate your gaming experience to new heights. Through the power of AI, the game breathes life into its world, crafting dynamic environments and characters that evolve in real-time based on your actions. This results in a truly unparalleled experience. As Oliwer Svensson, Chief Creative Director of Antler Interactive, says, “AI creates unpredictable characteristics, shaping your character, rather than simply providing binary data.” And when blockchain technology enters the picture, players gain complete control over their characters, items, and progress.

But what truly sets Cloudborn apart is how it seamlessly weaves these technologies together, like a symphony of innovation. The result is a personalized and immersive gaming experience that carries intent. Lenny Pettersson, CEO of Antler Interactive, beautifully describes this approach as using technology “as a paintbrush to create great and unique things.” Whether you’re looking for a casual playthrough or diving deep into strategic gameplay and theory crafting, Cloudborn promises an unparalleled experience no matter your style.


未来的游戏揭示在GDC 2024



关于Antler Interactive

Antler Interactive是一家瑞典游戏工作室,以在游戏创新领域推动界限而闻名。凭借对尖端技术的不懈关注,他们努力创造出令全球玩家着迷的沉浸式和引人入胜的体验。Antler Interactive是ChromaWay的子公司,曾荣获多个奖项,包括My Neighbor Alice获得的Binance Launchpool年度项目奖。


联系:公关经理Ramsey Shallal Antler Interactive [email protected]


Q1:我能在不同平台上玩Cloudborn吗? 绝对可以!Cloudborn将在多种平台上可访问,包括PC,确保您能够深入Miyunu迷人的世界,无论您偏爱的游戏设备是什么。

Q2:我如何获得Cloudborn中的游戏数字资产? 要获取这些独特的数字资产,您可以直接购买或租赁。Chromia区块链提供了一个安全和透明的平台,供您与其他玩家交易这些资产。

Q3:Cloudborn纯粹是单人体验还是具有多人游戏功能? Cloudborn将单人和多人游戏体验元素相结合。虽然您可以沉浸于单人战役中,但游戏的MMO特色允许玩家之间进行互动和交易,为您的冒险增添了社交维度。

Q4:Cloudborn是否有扩展或更新计划? Antler Interactive致力于不断改进和扩展。期待定期更新、扩展和新功能,使Cloudborn宇宙不断发展,确保您穿越Miyunu的旅程仍然紧张刺激。


  1. Antler Interactive – 官方网站
  2. Cloudborn – 官方网站
  3. Antler Interactive的Twitter
  4. My Neighbor Alice – Binance Launchpool年度项目
  5. Raid Shadow Legends – 官方网站
  6. The Legend of Zelda – 官方网站
  7. ChromaWay – 官方网站
  8. GDC 2024 – 官方网站



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