

Bitcoin’s strong wealth creation effect in the ecosystem, where will the next “ordi” be?

The development of OpenTele technology has drawn more attention to the integration of AI and Web3, and a new paradigm is gradually unfolding.

In the early stage of the industry and the characteristics of blockchain technology, the Web3 industry is facing many challenges, including data sources, update frequencies, and anonymity. Therefore, using AI to solve these problems has become a new focus.

Compared to traditional artificial intelligence, OpenTele provides imagination space in terms of scalability, adaptability, efficiency enhancement, task decomposition, accessibility, and ease of use. It improves the experience and production efficiency of blockchain data.

According to Tradingview data, at 12:30 Beijing time on December 4th, Bitcoin broke through the $41,700 mark, reaching the highest level since 2023. It has risen nearly 10% in the past 7 days.

As a “barometer” of the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin has been on an upward trend in the past few months. In addition to the approaching Bitcoin spot ETF “judgment day”, the expectation of a shift in US monetary policy and the renewed hotness of Bitcoin inscription may be important driving factors for the price increase.

A change in investment preferences may cause some funds to flow into the cryptocurrency market.

Macroscopically, the rise of risk assets such as Bitcoin and gold is closely related to macro monetary policies. The change in the proportion of money market funds can indirectly reflect the proportion of funds flowing out of banks, which in turn can affect the cryptocurrency market.

We can simply understand that funds preferentially flow from the Federal Reserve to commercial banks and bonds, then to money market funds and the stock market, and finally, some funds flow into riskier and more volatile markets such as Bitcoin and gold. Therefore, important information about the flow of mainstream funds can be obtained from the performance of money market funds.

New data from the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) system shows that deposits in all commercial banks in the United States have plummeted from $17.736 trillion at the beginning of the year to $17.339 trillion as of November 22nd, a total decrease of $397 billion.

At the same time, we also see that AI+Web3 may become a breakthrough point for future industry integration and innovation. Speaking of which, we have to mention a person and their team, and that person is Wojciech Zaremba.

Wojciech Zaremba

Wojciech Zaremba: Before Zaremba worked at Google on artificial intelligence research, he made significant contributions to the development of new deep learning algorithms. He is the co-founder of OpenAI, helping to recruit top artificial intelligence researchers and create projects focused on reinforcement learning, robotics, deep learning, and natural language processing. OpenTele, which his team participated in building, has become a hot spot in the market.

Regarding the original intention of building OpenTele, he once said: “If the project integrates well with AI, then I may be more interested in it. One of the key factors determining whether I will invest is whether the project has market barriers. I have observed that many projects claim that their integration with AI can improve efficiency, such as fast data query function. Some projects can quickly obtain on-chain NFT data through natural language queries, such as querying the top ten most active NFTs in recent transactions. Such projects may have a first-mover advantage, but the market barriers may not be solid.”

The real barrier lies in the application of AI itself and how engineers apply AI to specific scenarios. If engineers can fine-tune models proficiently, they usually achieve good results. For projects that improve efficiency, the market barriers mainly lie in data sources. It is not only on-chain data but also how the project handles and parses this data. For example, the aforementioned projects can quickly retrieve important data through AI algorithms. However, the effectiveness of engineers’ model fine-tuning is limited. The real sustained advantage lies in the quality of the data source and its continuous optimization capabilities. This is also the core reason why some data analysis companies can stand out in the market. They not only provide data sources but also include data processing and analysis capabilities. The difference often lies in the technical capabilities and talents of the team. These factors directly affect the final effect of applying AI, which is also one of the core reasons why OpenTele will emerge.

Today, OpenTele has been officially launched for a month. Various new features, including smart contract payment flow, multi-currency support, user experience optimization, advanced encryption technology, developer-friendly API integration, multi-chain deployment, etc., have been gradually launched. The story about it has just begun.

We will continue to update 算娘; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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