🚀 惊喜!比特币ETF飙升,但BTC价格却无动于衷 😴

CryptoQuant的首席执行官Ki Young Ju可能发现了比特币近几周价格停滞的真正原因


CEO reveals reason for Bitcoin price stagnation after ETFs

The Curious Case of Bitcoin’s Subdued Reaction

In a milestone development for the cryptocurrency industry, industry giants BlackRock and Fidelity launched spot Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). These launches ranked among the top five ETF launches in history, attracting massive net inflows of $5.278 billion within just six weeks. However, much to everyone’s surprise, Bitcoin’s price response has been rather lackluster.

Before the ETFs were introduced, BTC skyrocketed to a peak of $49,040 on January 11. But fast forward to today, and Bitcoin is trading at a modest $51,000, representing a mere 4.3% increase. This subdued performance has left market observers scratching their heads, wondering what’s going on.

🎉 Enter the Bombshell Discovery

CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju may have just stumbled upon the “real” reason behind Bitcoin’s lackluster price action in recent weeks. Ju’s analysis reveals the transfer of over 700,000 BTC to Over-The-Counter (OTC) desks primarily used by miners immediately after the spot Bitcoin ETF approvals. This is equivalent to a whopping $35.6 billion at current prices!

Ju shared a stunning chart and exclaimed, “700K BTC has moved to OTC desks used by miners over the past three weeks following spot Bitcoin ETF approval.” This discovery has sparked a reevaluation of the impact that such massive transfers can have on Bitcoin’s market dynamics.

BTC OTC transactions Source: CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju

🤔 Unraveling the Bitcoin OTC Mechanism

To fully understand the significance of OTC desks, let’s take a brief detour. OTC desks facilitate direct transactions between two parties, unlike open exchanges where orders are matched among various participants. This method allows for the handling of large volumes of Bitcoin without immediately impacting the market price.

When substantial amounts of BTC are bought or sold on public exchanges, it can cause significant price volatility due to sudden shifts in supply and demand. By opting for OTC transactions, large buyers, such as ETF issuers, can accumulate Bitcoin in massive quantities without triggering a sharp price increase that would inevitably follow if these purchases were made on spot markets.

Hence, Ju speculates that the issuers behind the newly launched Bitcoin ETFs strategically purchased Bitcoin through OTC desks. This approach serves a dual purpose: fulfilling the demand from ETF investors by securing enough Bitcoin to back the ETF shares while simultaneously mitigating the immediate price impact of such large-scale purchases on open exchanges.

The crux of Ju’s claim is that if the 700,000 BTC had been purchased on the spot market instead of through OTC channels, the influx of demand could have propelled Bitcoin’s price significantly higher than the measly 4.3% increase. Therefore, this subdued price action is likely attributed to the strategic use of OTC transactions by ETF issuers and other big buyers.

💡 Looking Ahead: The Impending Supply Shock

Here’s where it gets interesting. With the upcoming Bitcoin halving in April, miners may only be able to sell half of the current supply while demand remains high. But this constraint doesn’t just affect miners. As the OTC supply rapidly depletes, it seems inevitable that a supply shock could rock the market once the OTC reserves are fully tapped.

When entities like BlackRock and others are forced to purchase Bitcoin on the open market to back their ETFs, the BTC price could experience a swift reaction. So, while Bitcoin’s price may be yawning right now, the impending supply shock could jolt it awake in the future.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading at $51,030.

Bitcoin price Source: BTCUSD on TradingView.com


标签: bitcoin, bitcoin price, btc, cryptoquant, spot Bitcoin ETFs

🗣️ 专家问答

问: 尽管推出了比特币ETF,为什么比特币的价格仍然被压制?

答: 的确,比特币ETF的推出是一项重大进展,吸引了数十亿美元的净流入。然而,价格的低迷反应可以归因于ETF发行人和大规模买家战略性使用场外交易(OTC)的交易。通过在场外交易台购买比特币,这些实体可以在不在公开交易所引起即时价格波动的情况下积累大量比特币。

问: 场外交易台是什么,它们如何影响市场?

答: 场外交易台促进了两方之间的直接交易,使得可以处理大量的比特币而不会立即影响市场价格。与开放交易所不同,在那里订单在各个参与者之间匹配,场外交易台允许私密性和更顺畅的交易执行。对于像ETF发行人这样的实体,场外交易台提供了一种在不引起重大价格波动的情况下获取大量比特币的方式。

问: 场外交易储备的消耗如何导致市场供应冲击?

答: 随着对比特币的需求持续增加和场外供应减少,供应冲击可能会发生。当像BlackRock等实体被迫在公开市场上购买比特币来支持其ETF时,需求的突然增加可能会推高价格。这种情况在4月即将到来的比特币减半事件中尤为强烈,因为矿工可能只能出售半数的当前供应。

📚 进一步阅读

  1. 分析师:比特币从未如此看涨,接下来会怎样? – 深入了解比特币看涨潜力的专家分析。

  2. Galaxy首席执行官警告比特币可能在大涨前跌至42000美元 – 了解一位知名加密货币高管的谨慎建议。

  3. 现货比特币ETF批准:根据CryptoQuant的说法是一个“卖好消息”的事件 – 了解围绕现货比特币ETF批准的影响和市场动态。

  4. 比特币价格飙升至45000美元,记者称SEC将批准多个BTC ETF申请,预计消息即将公布(明天) – 获取有关比特币价格激增和ETF批准未来发展的最新消息。

  5. 四月即将到来的比特币减半:对市场的潜在影响 – 探讨即将到来的比特币减半对加密货币市场的潜在影响。

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