


Altcoin Season Coming Soon as Bitcoin Dominance Holds Steady

Tim Hakki Tim Hakki
Last updated: February 21, 2024 11:51 EST | 2 min read

Altcoins could rally off the back of Bitcoin Altcoins could rally off the back of Bitcoin

Several analysts on microblogging platform X have recently highlighted different data points indicating that altcoin season (altseason) could soon be upon us.

On February 15, trader/analyst Rekt Capital (@RektCapital) shared a projections chart to suggest that Bitcoin’s current dip could be part of a final “retrace” or consolidation period before the halving on April 19. Since Bitcoin bootstraps the entire market by virtue of its popularity, it’s likely to piggyback the biggest altcoins by market capitalization to new heights.

🔗 Rekt Capital tweet

In another recent tweet, Bitcoin fan and independent analyst Stockmoney Lizards (@StockmoneyL) thinks he sees some bullish cup-and-handle patterns in the altcoin market’s capitalization metrics. If history repeats itself, this could be mounting towards a potential 10x bull run, the analyst implied.

🔗 Stockmoney Lizards tweet

Market analysis by Santiment on Tuesday suggests retail traders bought a lot of the dollar-pegged stablecoin Tether lately. Since stablecoins present a blockchain-native way to use dollars to buy crypto, the move could signal retail’s readiness to buy the current dip.

🔗 Santiment tweet

Finally, independent analysis by altcoin fan Sjuul (AltCryptoGems) said that several leading altcoins have the same funding rate as Bitcoin, indicating a market correction, or as he calls it, a “buy-the-dip opportunity.”

🔗 Sjuul tweet

However, a real-time graph offered by the Blockchain Association suggests that Altseason is not here yet. The Blockchain Association is a US crypto trade group that lobbies Washington for clear and flexible crypto regulation. According to its Altcoin Season Index, the altcoin market’s current score is 59, meaning only 59% of the leading altcoins are outperforming Bitcoin. Altseason arrives when the figure is 75 or above, says the Association. Bitcoin season refers to when only 25% of the leading alternative cryptocurrencies are outperforming the market leader.

Source: The Blockchain Association Source: The Blockchain Association

The Bitcoin Halving’s Effect on Altcoin Season

When Bitcoin does well, everybody does well. Historical patterns suggest that Bitcoin’s halving narrative could lead to market-wide gains, but we’re looking at a different crypto landscape than any that came before. Nowadays, there is increased regulatory scrutiny. The recent launch of US SEC-approved Bitcoin investment products further complicates the narrative.

The halving refers to a quadrennial event predetermined by Bitcoin’s code which cuts miners’ rewards in half. Miners use energy-intensive hardware to break cryptographic codes to validate groups of transactions called “blocks.” Confirming a block rewards the miner with new Bitcoin, some of which it will hold and some of which it will release onto the market.





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Q: 交替币季节如何影响整体加密货币市场? 交替币季节通常指的是除比特币之外的替代加密货币在价格上出现显著增长的时期。这种现象发生在投资者将注意力和资金从比特币转向其他加密货币时。当交替币季节进入盛行期时,整个加密货币市场往往会出现增强的热情和增加的交易量。

Q: 在可能的交替币季节期间值得关注哪些交替币? 虽然很难预测哪些具体的交替币在交替币季节中会表现良好,但值得关注基本面强劲、技术创新和活跃的开发团队的交替币。近来一些受欢迎的交替币包括以太坊、瑞波币、莱特币和卡尔达诺币。然而,在做出任何投资决策之前,进行深入研究和尽职调查是必不可少的。

Q: 比特币减半如何影响交替币市场? 预计比特币减半将对交替币市场产生积极影响。历史上,减半事件已经推动整体加密货币市场的兴趣和投资增加。随着比特币价格在减半后的上涨,投资者可能会通过探索其他加密货币来实现投资组合多样化,从而促使交替币市场潜在上涨。

Q: 投资者在交替币季节期间应注意哪些风险? 投资者应注意交替币市场固有的波动性和投机性质。虽然交替币季节可能带来有利可图的机会,但迅速的价格波动和市场情绪可能导致巨大损失,如果处理不慎。设定明确的投资目标、进行充分的研究,并通过多样化投资来有效管理潜在风险至关重要。


<p p="" 当我们逼近比特币的减半时,加密货币市场正充满着兴奋和期待。交替币季节的潜力正在逐渐浮现,各种指标表明交替币价格可能会出现一波上涨。虽然当前的交替币季节指数可能尚未表明交替季节的开始,但市场状况可能会迅速变化。<p如果历史是一个指引,减半事件可能会引发对加密货币空间的新一轮兴趣和投资。因此,保持及时了解、跟上最新发展,并做出明智的投资决策至关重要。

<p同时, p="" 注意比特币价格的波动和市场情绪。记住,加密货币市场是一个充满谨慎和热情的惊险过山车之旅!



嘿,读者们!👋 你对潜在的另类币季有什么看法?对即将到来的比特币减半感到兴奋吗?在下面的评论中分享你的意见和预测!如果你喜欢这篇文章,别忘了点击分享按钮,在社交媒体上传播加密货币的爱。📣💙




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