
DeSci 叙事重燃:Coinbase创始人加入,值得关注的项目有哪些?

DeSci and the concept of “longevity” have become the new focus, bringing an old narrative back into the spotlight.

Recently, the #DeSci hashtag has been popping up repeatedly on crypto Twitter, piquing the interest of digital asset investors. It seems like DeSci is making a comeback, like a superhero returning to save the day.

But what is DeSci exactly? Well, it’s not a new concept, despite its resurgence. DeSci stands for “Decentralized Science,” and it aims to bring transparency to scientific research and make the results accessible to the wider public. Think of it as a scientific revolution, powered by cryptocurrency and smart contracts.

In the world of Web3 projects, where virtual economies reign supreme, DeSci stands out by focusing on fields like biotech, pharmaceuticals, and environmental science. Unlike other projects, it has real-world value and can positively impact society.

So naturally, crypto enthusiasts have started to discover the potential of DeSci-related tokens and projects, with some experiencing mind-boggling price surges of over 50%. It’s like finding a treasure chest filled with gold coins!

But as we know, the crypto world moves at lightning speed – blink, and you might miss the next big thing. So, besides DeSci, what other potential projects are worth keeping an eye on?

Let’s dive into the exciting world of decentralized science and see what other treasures await us!

1. Data Lake: A Platform to Donate Health Data

Imagine a lake filled with valuable medical data, generously donated by patients. That’s exactly what Data Lake is all about. This blockchain-based platform connects patients with researchers in need of medical data, supporting the development of new treatments and improving healthcare outcomes. It’s like a matchmaking service for researchers and data donors!

2. ResearchHub: Unleashing the Power of Scientific Research

ResearchHub is a platform that revolutionizes the traditional publishing model for scientific research. Created by none other than Brian Armstrong, the founder of Coinbase, this platform simplifies and opens up the process of publishing and discussing scientific content. It’s like a bustling marketplace of ideas, where researchers can share their findings freely and accelerate the pace of scientific progress.

3. GenomesDAO: Securing Personal Genetic Data

GenomesDAO is a biotech DAO that focuses on securing, privatizing, and auditing genomic data using the power of DeFi. It offers clinical-grade whole-genome sequencing, personalized genetic reports, and a secure data vault for individuals. It’s like a digital fortress, protecting your genetic secrets while also enabling researchers to access high-quality genomic data for understanding diseases and developing new drugs.

4. VitaDao: Funding Longevity Research

VitaDao is a community-driven DAO that aims to fund early-stage longevity research. With over $6 million already allocated to more than 20 research projects, VitaDao is at the forefront of fighting age-related diseases and exploring potential therapies. It’s like a superhero team assembling to unlock the secrets of eternal youth!

5. HairDAO: Meme-inspired Research on Baldness

Yes, you read that right – HairDAO focuses on the serious issue of hair loss, but with a twist of humor. This open-source investment and operational organization is dedicated to advancing research and development in baldness treatment. By rewarding individuals who help solve the hair loss puzzle with their anonymized, encrypted genomic data, HairDAO turns the quest for a full head of hair into a community effort. It’s like a meme that both raises awareness and tackles a pressing problem.

So, dear digital asset investors, keep your eyes peeled for these fascinating projects. They are the stars of the DeSci universe, each with its own unique charm and potential for success. Just remember, investing in digital assets is always an adventure, like exploring uncharted territories. So, don’t forget your sense of humor, strap on your seatbelts, and enjoy the ride!

If you have any other DeSci projects in mind or want to share your thoughts on these exciting developments, feel free to leave a comment below. Together, let’s navigate the vast sea of blockchain and uncover the treasures that lie within!

We will continue to update 算娘; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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