Tether CEO Ardoino Talks About the Road to Expansion Behind USDT’s $90 Billion Journey

财富杂志专访 Tether CEO:从0到900亿美元,USDT扩张背后的旅程

财富杂志采访Tether CEO:USDT的蓬勃发展从零到九百亿美元

Tether, known as the largest stablecoin issuer in the world with a market value of $90 billion, has always been a controversial figure. Critics have long questioned the reserve assets behind USDT. However, the newly appointed CEO of Tether, LianGuaiolo Ardoino (who has been a public figure in the company and also serves as the CTO of Bitfinex), stated that while other cryptocurrency companies, and even some traditional banks, have gone bankrupt, Tether is booming and thriving.

In an interview with Fortune magazine, Ardoino discussed Bitfinex’s strategy in emerging markets and his views on Binance founder Changpeng Zhao’s settlement with U.S. authorities.

A Passion for Programming and Financial Innovation

Ardoino’s journey into the world of finance and cryptocurrency started from a young age. At 8 years old, he began learning programming. He vividly remembers his father buying an old Olivetti 386 computer, which was quite an expensive purchase for his family. From that moment, Ardoino fell in love with coding, viewing it as a form of art. Just as art can create universes, coding has the same power.

After studying computer science at a university in Genoa, he worked as a researcher, participating in various exciting projects. However, Ardoino’s curiosity led him to explore other fields, including finance, which he believes is one of the forces that shape the world.

The Fascination with Bitcoin and the Birth of Bitfinex

Around 2012 and 2013, Ardoino heard about Bitcoin and read the Bitcoin whitepaper. What excited him most was not just the concept of Bitcoin, but the underlying blockchain technology. In his daily work in the financial sector, he realized the inefficiencies and outdated systems in traditional finance. The beauty of blockchain lies in the fact that everyone with a node sees the same information, creating a transparent and modern financial infrastructure.

In 2014, Ardoino crossed paths with Giancarlo Devasini, the CFO of Bitfinex, which was already ranked among the top global exchanges at the time. His task was to solve the bottleneck issue in their matching engine, the core component of the trading platform.

Embracing Emerging Markets and Empowering the Unbanked

Ardoino strongly believes that emerging markets are the perfect terrain for cryptocurrency. These countries are more susceptible to currency devaluation and inflation, affecting their citizens even more deeply. Unlike Europeans or Americans who have access to advanced financial services, people in these regions are in desperate need of a lifeline.

He envisions Bitfinex and tools like LianGuaiy and Bitfinex Peer-to-Peer Trading as essential solutions for emerging markets, as they directly cater to the needs of the people living there. Ardoino believes that for those trapped in countries suffering from economic crises, having the option to opt-out and protect their families from the detrimental decisions made by their central banks is a historical turning point.

Bitfinex’s Unique Approach in the Industry

Ardoino emphasizes that Bitfinex is different from its competitors. Rather than capitalizing on others’ misfortunes, Bitfinex focuses on its own growth and compliance standards. While some industry leaders revel in schadenfreude, Ardoino’s approach is rooted in building a strong and reliable platform.

In contrast to riskier exchanges, Bitfinex made the deliberate decision to remain smaller, priding itself on its dedication to compliance and cutting-edge technology. While other exchanges took on more risks, Bitfinex held strong and remained focused on delivering a marathon-like victory.

The Journey as Tether’s CEO

Since taking the helm at Tether in October, Ardoino continues to make strides in shaping the future of the company. He views Tether as a unique entity in the realm of stablecoins, one that has withstood constant scrutiny and emerged as a trusted player in the industry. Despite the fierce opposition and skepticism from mainstream media, Ardoino proudly asserts Tether’s position as a reliable and innovative force.

As Tether continues to grow, Ardoino affirms the company’s commitment to transparency and accountability. He acknowledges the ongoing demands for a full audit and assures that Tether is actively working towards this goal.

The Future of Finance with Bitcoin

Ardoino firmly believes that Bitcoin will not overthrow the financial system but rather revolutionize it. He sees Bitcoin as the ultimate currency, providing a lifeline for individuals seeking an escape from the flaws of the current monetary system. Bitcoin is becoming increasingly accepted and integrated into traditional finance, and it offers people the choice to take control of their own finances like never before.

While change takes time, Ardoino remains excited about the potential of Bitcoin to transform the financial industry, ushering in an era of authenticity, openness, and honesty.

Dear readers, what are your thoughts on Tether’s expansion and Ardoino’s vision for the future? Are you bullish on Bitcoin’s ability to revolutionize the financial sector? Let us know in the comments below!

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