Friend.tech仿盘Tomo和New Bitcoin City火爆来袭!快速了解项目模型和功能设计


上个月,Friend.Tech的出现让SocialFi叙事火了起来。Friend.Tech提出了封闭社交圈的概念,用户需要支付所谓的“key”才能进入群聊,而每次购买key的价格都会变得更加昂贵。Friend.Tech一亮相,市场上出现了很多类似的仿制品,比如Avalanche链上的Stars Arena、Solana链上的HUB3和Friendzy、Arbitrum链上的Post.Tech等。

不久前,另外两个仿制品Tomo和New Bitcoin City突然崭露头角,目前Tomo的Total Value Locked(TVL,总锁定价值)已经达到146万美元,New Bitcoin City的TVL也已经达到107万美元,看起来要超过Friend.Tech了。那么,接下来的文章将带你快速了解一下Tomo和New Bitcoin City在模型和功能设计上有何优化和创新。




在游戏规则上,Tomo和Friend.Tech采用了相似的Keys机制。不同的是,Tomo还推出了Votes机制。Votes是指KOL(Key Opinion Leader)入驻Tomo之前的叫法,所以即便尚未入驻,Votes也可以进行交易。这样用户就可以通过交易Vote来下注某位KOL是否会入驻,一旦KOL入驻后,Votes就会转变为Keys。举个例子,马斯克的Vote现在价值0.478 ETH(约合743美元),如果马斯克入驻,0.478 ETH就成为他的Key开始交易的价格。



New Bitcoin City:满足交易个性化需求


9月16日,比特币生态开发团队New Bitcoin City发布了Alpha应用程序。作为一种去中心化的社交网络协议,Alpha与Friend.Tech类似,它的工作原理是用户购买与内容创作者本人相关的代币,这些代币用于访问独家内容。

New Bitcoin City成员、Alpha的创始人(化名为Punk3700)表示,Alpha基于比特币的Layer2网络NOS,并采用混合设计,在比特币网络上进行数据验证。不过Alpha的技术堆栈并不是完全基于比特币,还使用了Polygon进行数据存储,并且使用了Trustless Computer技术。Trustless Computer是一种低成本的Layer2基础设施,可以支持比特币上的去中心化交易所(DEX)、去中心化自治组织(DAO)或非同质化代币(NFT)市场等应用。Punk3700表示,通过这种方式构建Alpha有助于降低交易费用,让用户受益。


Friend.Tech自推出以来就备受诟病。它不仅因为缺乏去中心化和隐私保护而被指责,没有体现出加密精神,还因为涉嫌利用Base的热度进行炒作。而仿制品Tomo和New Bitcoin City的出现是否会动摇Friend.Tech的市场地位,这是个未知数。我们拭目以待,不知道未来会不会出现新的仿制品,让SocialFi叙事的热度持久存在,LianGuaiNews将会一直关注。

Hey investors, have you heard of the latest buzz in the SocialFi world? Friend.Tech took the stage last month, introducing the concept of exclusive communities where users have to pay for “keys” to access group chats. And guess what? The price of these keys keeps soaring with each purchase, making them more exclusive than ever. As expected, the market was flooded with similar replicas after Friend.Tech’s debut, including Avalanche’s Stars Arena, Solana’s HUB3 and Friendzy, and Arbitrum’s Post.Tech.

But hold your horses, because two new players, Tomo and New Bitcoin City, have just entered the game and are already showing signs of outshining Friend.Tech. Tomo’s Total Value Locked (TVL) has reached a staggering $1.46 million, while New Bitcoin City’s TVL stands at an impressive $1.07 million. So, let’s dive into what these newcomers bring to the table and how they’ve upgraded the models and features.

Let’s start with Tomo. This project, based on the Linea protocol, attracted early attention from big shots like the founders of Polychain, Ankr, and Galex. Rumor has it that Tomo was even launched by the Ankr team itself, although it remains unconfirmed. Just like Friend.Tech, Tomo has introduced the concept of “keys.” But here comes the twist: Tomo also deals with “votes.” Votes are what we call the tokens used to bet on whether a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) will join Tomo. So even before these KOLs make their move, users can trade their votes. Once a KOL joins, votes can be converted into keys. For example, Elon Musk’s vote is currently worth 0.478 ETH (approximately $743). And if he joins, well, that 0.478 ETH becomes the starting price for his keys.

Tomo’s profit mechanism kicks into action from the moment users buy their keys. With a 10% tax on key purchases (votes too), 5% goes to the platform and another 5% to the KOL. But here’s the kicker: if a KOL doesn’t join, that 5% tax goes into a pool, waiting for someone to claim it. As more users get involved and trade votes, the pool keeps growing, making it more enticing for KOLs to jump in. And if a KOL still hesitates after six months, the funds in the pool will be distributed among the holders of votes.

Beyond its financial appeal, Tomo’s app also emphasizes its social aspect, offering a private chat function. However, be cautious, as the project’s code is currently not open-source.

Now, let’s move on to New Bitcoin City. On September 16th, the Bitcoin ecosystem development team unveiled its Alpha application. Alpha operates as a decentralized social networking protocol, similar to Friend.Tech. The idea is simple: users buy tokens connected to specific content creators, granting them access to exclusive content.

Alpha, harnessing the power of Bitcoin’s Layer2 network NOS, combines the benefits of the Bitcoin network for data verification. But that’s not it. Alpha’s tech stack also leverages Polygon for data storage and Trustless Computer technology. The latter provides affordable Layer2 infrastructure, enabling various applications like DEXes, DAOs, and NFT marketplaces on the Bitcoin network. According to Punk3700, a member of New Bitcoin City and the founder of Alpha (alias), this approach significantly reduces transaction costs while benefiting the users.

User and community engagement drove the rapid development of the Alpha platform, launching in just 48 hours. Unlike most SocialFi platforms, Alpha aims to be a social layer that allows users from protocols like Friend.Tech to utilize their keys within its application. Alpha satisfies users’ personalized needs by enabling them to set transaction fees for keys (ranging from 0% to 8%) and determining the number of keys required to access group chats. Notably, Alpha supports a “(3,3)” feature, allowing users to buy keys from each other, representing a month’s worth of access.

Friend.Tech has faced criticism since its inception. It has been accused of lacking decentralization and privacy protection, failing to embody the true spirit of crypto, and even exploiting the hype around Base. Will the emergence of Tomo and New Bitcoin City shake Friend.Tech’s market position? Only time will tell. LianGuaiNews will keep a close eye on the future development of these replicas and whether they manage to outshine the original. Stay tuned, folks!

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