



Hey there, fellow digital asset enthusiasts! Today, let’s take a peek into the realm of Solana, as we dive into an open AMA session with none other than the co-founder himself, Anatoly Yakovenko. Brace yourselves for some intriguing insights, hilarious anecdotes, and a sprinkle of crypto wisdom!

1: The Source of Motivation

Q: So Anatoly, what fueled your desire to create Solana?

Anatoly: Well, my friend, I’m a total operating system fanatic. Think of Solana as an operating system, and you’ll understand my obsession. Back in the late 90s, the open-source movement and Linux had me hooked. I’ve spent the last two decades unraveling complex system problems and having an absolute blast!

2: Dancing the Solana-Ethereum Tango

Q: Apart from cheaper gas fees, what unique and valuable things can we do on Solana that Ethereum can’t?

Anatoly: Ah, my dear friend, let me tell you about the marvelous Jupiter’s trade routes. They showcase some ingenious design differences. You see, Solana is a single atomic state machine, which means all market liquidity is aggregated, even for transactions as cheap as 20 cents. It’s like a cosmic trading dance party!

3: The Valuable Art of Failing

Q: What has been your most valuable failure? What did you learn from it?

Anatoly: Oh boy, oh boy! The world of consumer hardware (maybe Saga phones, anyone?) is a fierce battleground. Network effects need to align with personal interests, my friend. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where the masses go bananas for your creation!

4: Layer1 Bonanza

Q: With Ethereum and Solana in the picture, do we really need other Layer1 solutions?

Anatoly: Now, why on earth would I want to stop ambitious system engineers from building their own creations? Let a thousand flowers bloom, my friend! But let’s not forget, every couple of years, hardware performance doubles. So, whatever technology they’re using should do that, too!

5: Gazing into Solana’s Crystal Ball

Q: Anatoly, what’s your vision for Solana? How do you see it evolving in 5/10/50 years?

Anatoly: Ah, the beauty of time! Every decade, our throughput will increase by more than 32 times. It’s like Solana is the Benjamin Button of the blockchain world, getting faster and more powerful as it ages!

6: The Mysterious Allure of AI

Q: How has your perspective on AI changed compared to last year?

Anatoly: Oh, my friend, the technology is already top-notch! Give it enough data, and it can accurately predict what I’ll say in 99.99% of the cases. It’s like having a crystal ball that tells me my own thoughts!

7: Targeting the Bullseye

Q: Who is Solana’s target audience? Has it changed over time?

Anatoly: Ah, it’s the developers, my friend! Solana is an operating system, and just like my parents couldn’t care less about what kind of OS they use, they should simply enjoy the applications built on top of it. So, our goal is to boost developers’ efficiency and make them dance with joy!

8: The Epic Dance-Off: Ethereum vs. Solana

Q: What can Solana developers learn from Ethereum developers, and vice versa?

Anatoly: Well, my friend, I hope Solana developers embrace the beauty of open-source and follow an immutable roadmap. As for Ethereum, imagine this: every two years, hardware performance doubles, so their technology should do twice the magic too!

9: The Hippest Dapps in Town

Q: Anatoly, what are your top 3-5 favorite applications on Solana?

Anatoly: Oh, they’re like the cool kids on the block! Sollinked, Tiplink, USDC, Sphere LianGuaiyments. They’re the life of the digital party!

10: Glimpsing into the Future

Q: Anatoly, what do you foresee in the industry’s development in the next 7-10 years?

Anatoly: Ah, my visionary friend, a wave of revolutionary ToC Web3 applications will emerge. I don’t have all the juicy details to share, but it might be payment apps or something like Depin/Helium. Think of it this way: if the last cycle transitioned from cypherpunks to hoodies, this one will go from hoodies to suits!

11: Unlocking the Business Matrix

Q: What kind of business models would you like to see in the crypto industry?

Anatoly: Picture this, my friend: find something people are willing to pay top dollar for, wrap it in a shiny new protocol, and voila! You’ve created a cheaper and faster product. Just like Helium did!

12: Decentralizing the Universe

Q: Anatoly, what do you think is the best measure of decentralization for blockchain networks?

Anatoly: Well, my friend, once a network becomes permissionless, where practically anyone can participate, that’s when you know it’s truly decentralized. It’s all about how many people genuinely care and are willing to join the party. It’s not about the number of nodes, stakeholders, or any other fancy factors!

13: Turning Back Time

Q: If you could redesign Solana from scratch today, what would you change?

Anatoly: Oh, the technical debt is a real pain in the gluteus maximus! I wish we could have used asynchronous execution from the very beginning. Imagine the wonders it would do!

14: The Critic in the Room

Q: Are there any industry practices that are commonly accepted but you think are wrong?

Anatoly: Oh, my friend, let’s talk about those “Grants” programs. Every project seems to have one, but they rarely work. It’s like a ritual without any real magic!

15: Layer2 Showstopper

Q: Do you think Solana will adopt more Layer2 solutions in the future?

Anatoly: Well, my friend, nothing can stop developers from experimenting with Layer2, unless the fees on Layer1 are so low that a universal Layer2 becomes economically unviable. It’s all about finding that sweet spot!

16: The Witching Hour: Pre-Buying and Expectations

Q: You recently criticized airdrops and supported “pre-buying.” Do you think it will lower people’s expectations for using Dapps? And what’s your take on the net negativity surrounding whale manipulation?

Anatoly: Ah, my dear friend, the witching hour of pre-buying. It can indeed set the wrong expectations, especially when it comes to distributing governance tokens. The real question is, which users do you want to participate in governance? As for the whale manipulation, well, it can be quite a buzzkill for the Dapp party!

17: Rise to the Challenge

Q: Anatoly, what is the biggest challenge Solana faces?

Anatoly: Ah, stability and the fact that we only have a single codebase at the moment. But fear not, my friend, Firedancer is developing a second client. We’re constantly improving, and boy, do I wish we could speed things up a bit!

18: The Saga of Saga Phones

Q: So, Anatoly, how do you view the Saga phone project these days? Can you shed some light on the current state of affairs?

Anatoly: Oh, my friend, the saga of consumer hardware is a fierce battle indeed. The security advantage of encrypted seed phrases has narrowed the competition gap. But I still hope for a mobile app distribution channel that directly targets all NFT users, bypassing the Google and Apple toll booths.

19: The Price Hunt for SOL

Q: If SOL’s price were to increase by 10 or 100 times, how would it affect Solana in terms of protocol and functionality?

Anatoly: Ah, my friend, the protocol would remain unaffected. In fact, I believe having a native token as the system currency would bring forth a series of negative effects. Let’s hope the economy is driven by real-world-assets, making the revenue of companies (and projects) more predictable!

20: Ethereum and Solana: A Tale of Rivalry?

Q: What’s your take on the relationship between Solana and Ethereum? Is it like Apple vs. Android? Do you see other chains as your competition?

Anatoly: Oh, my friend, there’s definitely overlap and competition between us. But let’s not forget, each public chain has its unique design philosophy. So, when I see the Ethereum team researching and applying their experiences to completely different goals, it truly excites me!

And that concludes our delightful journey into the Solana universe, my friends! We hope you’ve enjoyed this humorous and insightful AMA with the brilliant Anatoly Yakovenko. Now go forth, explore the exciting world of digital assets, and remember, the blockchain realm is like a captivating dance where innovation and creativity reign supreme!

Read the original article here.

Did you find these insights intriguing? Have you ever imagined a blockchain dance-off between Solana and Ethereum? Share your thoughts in the comments and let’s keep the conversation going!

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